Wednesday, January 14, 2009


noun. I just call it Buffalo, NY.

Real citation: "Snowpoca-geddon
It's official; Seattle has become Minnesota:
That's the coldest temperature I've ever been in, by the way. I've been in 9 degrees weather twice, once in Texas and once in Seattle, but this is the first time I've seen 8 degrees.
My f-list is full of the words 'snowpocalypse' and 'snowmageddon,' so I know we're not the only part of the country experiencing extreme weather."
(Dec. 19, 2008, Livejournal,

Made-up citation: "I see another snowpoca-geddon has befallen the land whilst I slept. Damn you, Odin! Why must you poo so coldly on your most faithful servants?"

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